Congratulations! You have arrived at the internet hub of

Andy Zoric az!

A place for shameless self promotion!

I'm here to build websites and chew Bubblegum...

And I'm all out of bubble gum!

Technical Skills

Fahlgren Mortine 9/2024-12/2024

Sr. Frontend Developer

ComResource: 5/2018-7/2024

Custom App Dev Team UI/UX Engineer

Consultant: Abercrombie & Fitch (2018-2019)

Sogeti USA 8/2017-3/2018

Sr. Consultant

Alliance Data (Bread Financial) 4/2012 - /2017

Sr. Frontend Developer

and much much more...

Code Examples

React Beer Rating App

My demonstration of React.js. This code example of a working beverage rating system that allows you to choose a beer give details and ratings.

[ Live Demo | GitHub Link ]

Client List

An example of displaying large amounts of data in bite-sized format. This much information presented in a traditional grid format would easily overwhelm and confuse the typical end user. The point of this was to allow someone to look up any specific data, compare that to any other item in the list and make the process as intuitive as possible. Instead of drinking from the fire hose the data is presented in a more efficient way.

[ live demo | gitHub link ]


Ever get bored and just sort of start stream-of-consensus coding? No? Um, me either I just wanted to see if you did. That being said I meticulously planned out this javascript library you are seeing in the background with lost of requirements and planning and scrum masters and sprints etc... yeah that's how it happened.

[ gitHub Link ]

More on GitHub


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[ Resume(docx) | Resume (PDF) | UX Design examples (PDF) ]